Edmund  /  Louisiana

“Donald Trump is most definitely focused on the past. He’s still mad that he lost the 2020 election.”

Video Transcript

“My name is Edmund. I’m from Louisiana and I’m a Republican and voted for Donald Trump in 2020.

“The one thing I liked about Trump’s presidency was that he had a really tough stance with China.

“I will not be voting for Donald Trump in the 2024 Republican primary. The Republican party needs a different candidate on the ballot.

“The Republican Party should choose someone other than Donald Trump because he’s a polarizing figure that is bad for the nation and if we have a different candidate, maybe that candidate can bring the country together and we can defeat Joe Biden and take back the White House.

“Donald Trump is most definitely focused on the past. He’s still mad that he lost the 2020 election.

“He has too much baggage, for sure. With all these court cases, we don’t need a president who’s, first off, able to pardon himself, but also, uh, stuck in the legal system.”