Howard  /  South Carolina

“I just don’t think that four more years of Trump is good for the country.”

Video Transcript

“My name is Howard. I live in Pawley’s Island, South Carolina, and I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and in 2020. While Donald Trump was president, he seemed to have a strong policy of supporting business and bringing work back into the country, into the US.

“The reason I don’t plan to support Donald Trump in the primary or the general election is that as I saw his leadership over the course of his term as president, I found that his leadership was much more self centered than it was for the good of the country. It’s become fairly clear to me that Donald Trump does not think through the results of his actions. I don’t think that Donald Trump is a person who will listen to the advice of others as it relates to the way he governs.

“I just don’t think that four more years of Trump is what is best for the country. To unite the Republican party and the country going forward, we have to have a selfless, rational leader who makes good decisions based on what is good for the country. And I think four more years of childish bullying and name calling for me is, it’s unacceptable.

“I just can’t vote for that.”