“Donald Trump has had his opportunity.”
“My name is Ross, I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020. I’m planning to vote Republican, but with Donald Trump as the nominee it would be very difficult.
“I know we don’t have great leadership in the nation right now, but we can do much better and we need to support a candidate that can unify the country and can really unify the Republican party and make good decisions so that we can get on a better track.
“I think that Donald Trump has way too much baggage and has created so much hatred and division in the country to win the election, and to even win a good percentage of the Republican voters.
“I think people in America, on both sides of the aisle, want great leadership, and we are not getting that from either side. And Donald Trump is not the answer to provide that leadership, that example of someone who is presidential, who is respectful, who can make tough decisions, who can work with all different factions of the country and help us be more unified and be a leader in the world.
“Donald Trump has had his opportunity, and he’s older. He has a lot of distractions and things that he needs to deal with, age being one. He’s got some baggage and a lot of legal issues and distractions. And there are many within the Republican party like myself, have a very hard time supporting him in a general election because of the things that he has done and the more problems that he’s created than solved as he’s been the President of the United States.
“There are new and younger politicians with new ideas, with more energy, more vision, more ability to lead this country and to provide an example of excellent leadership to not only America, but to the free world. They can also appeal to not only Independents, but to Democrats who are dissatisfied with the way the country’s going with the leadership that Biden’s providing. There’s a real opportunity for us to mend fences and to unify the country and to provide forward-looking leadership that can really make America a great nation.”